The Bufo Alvarius is a toad that lives in the Sonoran desert, Mexico. From the glands on the sides of the body, a substance is extracted that contains a series of tryptamine compounds, the most prominent being bufotenin and 5-Meo-DMT, compounds that cause the effects present in the medicinal process.

Efectos del Bufo Alvarius

The effects of Bufo Alvarius cannot vary depending on the state of consciousness or intoxication of the participant, therefore, it is important to keep in mind that the experience is the same as another. Some of the most common effects during the toad procedure are:
  • Partial or total disconnection from physical and/or visual reality.
  • Sensación de fundirse con el todo
  • Sensation of being thrown into the void at high speed
  • Sensation that the body explodes in thousands or millions of particles
  • Dissolution of the ego
  • Loss of sense of time and space
  • Huge feeling of love and gratitude

Benefits of Bufo Alvarius

A session of Bufo Alvarius can have an incredible benefit; the body, the mind and the soul, are the three levels on which medicine acts, correcting illnesses or problems that occur to the individual at any of these levels.

When 5-Meo-DMT enters the body, it increases the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, melatonin, tryptamine and enzymes that favor healing and generation of the body, causing the release of a considerable amount of stress (unconsciously accumulated) and consequently unblock the immune system.

Dissolution of unconscious cellular memories that cause addictions, compulsions, psychosomatic illnesses and suffering.

The medicine will continue to work for days (or even months) after its application, the effect will progressively diminish. For this reason, having replicas of what was experienced during the procedure, often when dreaming, is totally normal.

*Here plays an important role: the conscience and will of the person, the influence of the person's environment on it, habits (food, vices, thoughts, emotions). These factors can sabotage our advancement of the toad medicine and our internal healing if we allow it, but they can also help us increase our improvement, our healing, our internal work; if we decide to take advantage of them and use them for our benefit.

Changes in the person's life will be gradual. In some cases of big ego, the person does not notice the changes, but the people around them do. All the changes and side effects to the taking of the medicine of EL SAPITO are positive.


It is ideal to do a previous and subsequent preparation to have a healing and liberating experience.

3 days before the session:

  • Try to eat light and natural food
  • Drink more liquids
  • Avoid industrial meats, chocolates, dairy and soft drinks
  • Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates
  • No cafeína, no alcohol, no drogas.
  • No sex

15 days before the session:

  • Stop using medications for: Depression, Anxiety, Pains, Sleep, Cough.
  • Do not consume these drugs under any circumstances: MDMA, 2CB or Ecstasy.

It is ideal that the days prior to the ceremony, the participant avoids environments that may alter the peace, tranquility or stability of his mind, emotions and energies.

It is recommended to attend dressed in light-colored clothes, preferably white, and bring in mind what you most want to heal, because that will be the main intention that you will put so that the medicine acts on it.

The 5-MeO-DMT

James Oroc coined the term "the god molecule" to refer to 5-MeO-DMT, after Dr. Strassman called DMT "the molecule of the spirit".

Dr. Strassman, who has done one of the few scientific studies with DMT at the University of New Mexico, has noticed that 20 minutes after consuming this entheogen all vital signs return to normal and that there is no significant impact in the organism of the person who consumes it nor there is an addictive pattern.

The users of 5-MeO-DMT report, with strange coincidence, experiences of death and rebirth, of "seeing how the world is created", of divine fusion, of galactic surfing between the corners of eternity where all their life and all people with they have had contact with create a fractal loom of energy. 5-MeO-DMT, as well as DMT, is produced in the pineal gland, where melatonin is also secreted.

Strassman and Slawek Wojtwicz believe that dimethyltryptamine can be the neurotransmitter of dreams, the source of the deep visual imaginary with which we find ourselves every night in the dream dimensions. It is found in plants such as Ayahuasca. Most of the 5-MeO-DMT consumed is obtained from the toad of the Sonoran Desert (or Colorado River Toad).