You don't have to compete or prove anything to anyone. You don't have to get to where anyone else has arrived. Just exceed your own limits and be the best version of yourself!


I entered the jungles of Tulum with nothing but an open heart and mind. I knew no one and had never attended any sort of a healing retreat. As other attendee’s and facilitators arrived our new family grew. We would spend the next week shedding skins and opening up in a myriad of ways to each other and to ourselves. There’s something magical about a team of beautiful souls who can create an environment and container where despite being in a foreign land a sense of family and familiarity is ever present. Deep medicine work requires an act of total surrender and trust. Madhu and his family naturally create an environment that allows for that work to unfold seamlessly.

I’d been working with the medicine for some time, forming various opinions and assumptions about the process and myself along the way. The work that was done with Madhu was nothing short of revelatory. There might be a physical language barrier but Madhu is able to transcend those limitations by acting out of pure love and happiness. Two look into Madhu’s eyes is too see and to understand what is really in front of us. There are no necessary words. A two pronged approach to the art of serving the medicine is taken . . . one part science and another part love. A rock solid foundation is laid out for the real work to unfold.

Ultimately, drawing a comparison to the Bufo journey itself, there are no words to describe being in Madhu’s presence. The medicine allows an individual to receive and to feel vast amounts of gratitude and love and being in Madhu’s presence is just the same. The sparkle in Madhu’s eyes and the power of his smile speak a universal language of love, acceptance, and safety. From the bottom of my heart and soul . . . thank you for the lessons learned, the love given, and the opportunities that await. Aho!

bufo testimony
testimony bufo alvarius toad

Mirna Williams

Before I met with Mahdu and his pure love and the toad my life was a mess always depressed never looking for another day. It's been a beautiful journey for me not a quick fix it's a process and but I made it a point to have fun during my journey we have to put the work into it. Before I sat with the medicine I didn't know what to expect nor did I do it with any expectations. I had been paralyzed for two years raising twins my heart was like it has gone through a meatgrinder all failed relationships as I continued working with the medicine with an open heart I noticed that life is beautiful. On one of my journeys I was told that all these experiences I had gone through was to prepare me to be able to help and understand peoples pain that non of what I had gone through was to prepare me to empathize and help and understand others pain my mission in all this is to empower the people and to guide them to get out of the victom mode we get into to let them know there's a way out and it's through complete self love no blaming anyone but to look at ourselves and see how we played a part in all of it what lessons we have learned and we continue learning with total humbleness. We all need love to hug a smile. I thank you Mahdu for bringi this into my life your teachings by example love is all there is with no attachments just be appreciate everything be thankful for everything even when challenges get in our way bring it back to center quite the mind I love you mahdu and of course the greatest gift remembering who I am.

testimony bufo alvarius

Greg Butcher

Similar to the ineffable nature of the Bufo experience, I find myself at a loss for words to describe the profound gratitude that overflows within my heart for what this path has shown me since finding this medicine and this work. Thank you for holding the light up where others may find it. It is my mission to do the same with deep love.


That moment when I smoke the pipe, is the moment when the blindfolds started to fall off my eyes. That day I was born again... I woke up from the lethargic sleep in which I wandered around like a zombie, acting out of inertia the role of the soap opera I was in.

How did I get to that day? Well, open to an alternative cure to the depression that had been dragging me almost to the brink of suicide, the universe answering my prayers put Madhu in my path who without telling me how transformative this would be (and well he didn't because in my negative disbelief would have rejected it) he should give me the bufo ceremony at his first spiritual retreat in Tulum.

Thanks to Madhu I had the best experience of my life, overcoming my depressive state of mind was just one of the many benefits that his gift brought with it.

My partner, my friend, my guide, my facilitator, my brother, and the channel, the channel through which I have learned more about life in these 8 months of knowing him than in my 29 years of living. With his guidance and support I have managed to access places in my mind that I did not think I could, every day I wake up more on this path to transcendence and enlightenment.

Madhu, you gave me the opportunity to know the power of Bufo, in eternal gratitude to you for taking me by the hand to my spiritual awakening. My love for you extends to other planes, and extends to other times.

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testimony bufo alvarius

Sarah Navidian

My first encounter with Bufo Alvarius was mind blowing. It was heart opening. It’s was unexpected and challenging. It was gentle bliss. I met my teachers in a space that held no bounds of time. My ancestors visited me with smiles. I saw every face, conversation, tattoo as an expression of divinity communicating with me. I ran with the elephants and tigers across the plains. I relived the sweetest childhood memories. I was in complete gratitude as I came out of my first encounter with warm tears and head nods that went on forever.
Since my first encounter I have been sharing the medicine. I shared my story and I brought people to the medicine. I utilized my story in the the yoga classes I taught by enforcing themes that Bufo showed me. My own consciousness was growing and crystallizing each day. I had more to give. More love to my students, my children, my friends. The Toad became my teacher and I decided to learn to serve the medicine. From that moment I have cleared my insecurities and fears. I can hold easily and gently my human condition with respect and kindness. My mission is to hold sacred space for others to feel into their essence. I work with the medicine in retreats, womens circles, individual guidance and integration somatic sessions. Bufo Alvarius, I honor you and I bow to the divinity you grace us with.


Less than a year ago my life was completely transformed by my first meeting with Bufo. I experienced an immense energetic reset and came to understand so much about my own existence and the nature of our true selves. The course of my life has changed because of it and I am now a facilitator so that I can share the light with as many participants as I can meet. I met Madhu during a facilitator training and I was impressed by his charisma and dedication to serve the medicine in a sacred manner. I’m honored to be part of the family of Light and help heal the collective with this beautiful medicine.

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testimony bufo alvarius toad medicine

Nicolás Marchionni

My first encounter with Madhu and medicine occurred in November 2021, by then I was going through a very painful personal process. Without a doubt, medicine was a before and after in my life. When people describe the experience as a "rebirth" they are NOT exaggerating. His power is incredible.
In complement Madhu is a beautiful being of light with an incredible mission on this plane. The love and respect with which he handles medicine is admirable. Nowadays Madhu is not only a facilitator for me, he became my guide, my coach, friend and brother.


In 2019 I was 49 years old, and had never taken a psychedelic before.

Then came massive upheaval and pain in my life, and I didn’t know how to heal and move forward. Bufo found me, and I said yes.

It’s been a profound journey - bufo continues to remind me that I am divine, I am eternal, and I am love. We all are.

I am so grateful to this medicine and to the community around it.

Thank you thank you thank you.

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George Macpherson

I first came in to sitting with Madhu through an experience with Bufo in early 2018, just a few months after a New Years eve intention ceremony where I had asked to be shown a new teacher and guide.

I had worked through some deep personal issues across the previous two years and it felt time to expand my field of knowledge and understanding; having begun to feel pretty static both emotionally and spiritually.

The relationship I developed with Bufo as a medicine and opportunity to explore a divine connection to my inner self, and the world around me and at the same time, experience the powerful work Madhu was offering and WHY he offers it from his heart, became an opportunity to regularly receive across a two year period - which simply put, completely shifted the trajectory of my life both professionally, and personally.

I’ve come to know that for me, working with these medicines and the power they have to create altered, dissociated states of reality, that can reveal our true, essential nature, has also been powerfully guided alongside existing personal therapy work. The two work in tandem and help to integrate these epic experiences, especially before I had also found a like minded community to further explore the journey and post journey state.

I’ve seen my life change around what my personal commitments are, what is of vital importance to me beyond what I had previously expected, and what trauma was holding me back, how much I needed to release myself from - and that each of these were not so much something to keep revisiting, as much as see as stepping stones; one discovery, leads to another, and another, and so on. Until all we really eventually see, is ourselves, free of the stories that bound themselves to us. I came to see the far reaches of where we travel when sitting with medicine, as being a sign post towards what is possible for us in our daily lives; with practice.

Though not intentional, 2020/21 meant I didn’t get to see Madhu or work with medicines with him and this allowed for an opportunity to develop with my own practice with Sound as a medicine, training to become a sound facilitator, daily meditation and further exploration with psilocybin (again something I had first experienced being gifted after one ceremony from Madhu.) in therapeutic individual and group settings, on reflection, has shown me something deeply meaningful.

A lot of times, partially because we have been conditioned to, both by marketing AND western medicine, we are focused on the immediate effects and impact of an experience, and often times, especially early in my work with any of these medicines and modalities, became so fascinated by what was ‘in’ the journeys, what they revealed In real time , I almost forgot the larger purpose of them .

To continue to expand, to continue to nurture our evolution and to continue to offer ‘breadcrumbs’ to find our way back to where we had travelled in journey state, when we are in our waking state. And in that I found myself understanding that that first experience in 2018, and those subsequent, had been a part of a much larger opening and setting of a framework by which I could loosen my egoic selfs grip on my essential nature.

Seeing these experiences as my own Big Bang , if you like, where that first deep journey set off an explosion within , shifting much of what I thought I knew, helping me not hold on to the things in my life that had caused me pain, opening my mind quite wonderfully to both new experiences and a capacity not just for knowledge but also love and compassion for others and the world around me - was the beginning of a much larger, ever expanding adventure.

As we approached the end of 2021, and as a punctuation to mark the last two years , my partner and I decided to meet Madhu in Tulum over ThanksGiving , for a retreat with a group of like minded people all at various stages of their own journeys, their own versions of healing . For three days we would be invited to sit with various medicines , each of which I had experienced individually but not in unison.

For three days we were invited to sit with various medicines, each of which I had experienced individually but not in unison.

Beyond the medicines themselves, the retreat offered meditation, yoga, massage, sound meditation, beautifully prepared food , a Homa fire ceremony to open and of course being with ourselves and others .

My own journeys with kambo, Bufo and psilocybin are unique to me, and profound in different ways. What was truly enlightening and healing for me was the beautiful way the whole experience was constructed from beginning to end, the intentionality brought to each moment as a part of a larger whole and that the community of those facilitating and those receiving were each a valid part of that opportunity to heal.

For me, the weekend , offered a deep period of reflection that has stayed with me for this week afterwards, who am I , what am i doing to carry out what I’m committed to, what do I no longer need to take with me and almost a palpable sense of self observation that is both confronting and highly vigilant - which is exactly what I believe I need for the year ahead as I continue to make decisions about some important personal and professional work that I want to take in to 2022.

What I have come to know from Madhu , is that beyond medicine , this undying, ever growing purpose of bringing people toward themselves, not running away or hiding , and developing a family of those who have experienced this work together which for me is an often missing, though most essential part of any thing seeking to be of a healing quality . The medicine is the people themselves.

Madhu and Tiiago have been our guides for a year now, seeing us each time we have come to Mexico. I could not recommend them enough.

Their guidance and medicine has saved us personally, opened our minds, hearts and souls. It has brought us closer as a family and has developed us as individuals. Safe to say, I am a new person since going on this mental and physical journey with them.

If you are thinking of Buffo or Kambo, and if you have any doubts or fears, ignore them! Do this for yourself, you deserve to be happy.

Thank you for everything, we will see you again soon. Ahoy!!! ? ?


Tee Polgar

Experiencing Bufo was probably the most meaningful experience of my spiritual journey in this life. 

To me it was like cracking my own mind. Perhaps I should have built it up by experiencing similar compounds so my spirit and karma is getting prepared. Since then I see many things  different and meditation is just a different experience where I can trigger myself to fall into alpha state in the matter of minutes. 

Regardless of the Bufo, our guide during the ceremony made the whole experience set up so well that the Bufo was just Cherry on the pie...  en el pastel … Bueno, una gran cereza. 🙂

Even though it was a year ago, yet the moment is so vivid like it was earlier today. 

Thank you for the change dear Madhu and dear Bufo

René Khan

It is with a humbled and open heart that I share the beauty which has blossomed within me.

I am grateful to my hermano Madhu in so many ways.

We are all reflections of one another and are each others greatest teachers.

Madhu has welcomed me in to his family and allowed me to assist in the group ceremonies in various ways.

These moments of training have been so powerful and essential in my own methods of serving and promoting a safe and clear healing space for others.

Language is so limited in the space of awakening and actualization.

However I can say that within this past year I personally feel that I have had a accelerated "quickening" of my consciousness, love and acceptance of my experience in this realm.

It is because of Madhu constantly putting himself out there and training others to serve that keeps the frequency constantly moving at a higher frequency.

Thank you brother for all that you do and continue to do for the collective.

I love you very much.



My experience in the ceremony with Madhu

I have never tried any type of natural medicine, and I admit I was nervous for what was going to happen that day, but at the moment that Madhu started doing his ceremony those nerves went down, the moment I tried bufo I was thrown into the universe completely... how to explain that? I still try, but the experience exceeded any expectation or physical sense, it went further... it broke my mental schemes, I felt the love and energy vibrating in me, feeling of freedom to strip myself even of the senses, it was absolute peace, a perfect melody that vibrated in my whole being. Today I see life with other eyes, I know that everything is temporary and that we came to be happy. I still remember the first thing I felt after the trip was Madhu´s hand on my chest calming me down... saying: Everything is fine.

I thank life for coinciding with this amazing being, a soul full of love, peace and joy.

Ana Altamirano

First Of all I would like to say thank you to wonderful Soul that is Madhu, he really has a great love for humanity.

For me to be in his ceremonies and meeting him has been a new reborn.

With the toad I understood how beautiful life is and that every negative experience in my life(such as pain, fear, loneliness, lock of acceptance, heartbreaking, needs, frustration and many more) were actually teachers to realize who I really am and that I had to be thankful for everything I have.

I always look for love outside of me and this medicine show me that love always has been within me and that I'd never been alone as I thought I was because God has always been within me.

There was a lot to learn and in my case I had to learn detachment ( because attachments make me suffer), feeling the lack of acceptance was because I didn't accept my self first, I learn that I can't make someone think like me or do what I do because that's stealing their authenticity.  Having needs and poverty really is a teacher of gratitude, We always have to be grateful for what we have because that is what we need at the time.  

My experience was to find my true essence, my true Love and my true nature and now I know that everything is perfect and that always had been perfect.  Today I can express Love with out limits with out fear because it's me and it's always been me.

I wish I could have words so I can describe all that wonder I saw, but there are no words to describe it. What I can say is that everything change inside me, and It only took a few minutes to show me a whole Universe full of Love.  Everything in this Universe is an expression of God's Love and in each one of us there is a wonderful being full of pure Love, because it is our true nature and because of this we can't give anything but Love.

We all part of this Greatness...

I Love you Madhu



A few years back my gypsy soul had taken me down to La Quintana Roo, Mexico where I had found myself up to my old tricks and physically addicted to opiate pain medication once again. As luck would  have it, I came across a link for a provider of the coveted Bufo Alvearies, also known as "The God Molecule" or 5-MeO-DMT  This particular elusive and rare substance just so happens to be at  the top of my "entheogen's to do before I die list," so I met up with the medicine man and his translator to discuss policies and procedures and then met them a few days later along with a couple other guys who I will never see again yet will forever be my Brothers in Bufo, and we all head to the white sand beaches of Playa de Carmen. 


Without imagining it or looking for it, life put me a beautiful person on the road when I needed it most. I was in a difficult time. With a mixture of emotions that I did not quite understand. With a constant pain and wear to those who already I was getting used to it and I didn't know how to get out. Without realizing everything I was loading and accumulating so unnecessarily! You gave me my place and the most beautiful experience I could live!


Dario Mejias

That is all it is, love. All that is me, love. The selfish mind encloses me. Life opens my creative mind inspires life. The life we are and share everything are life forms. They are all in me. Everything is ways of being. Ways to love with the opening of the heart the miracle occurs heaven on earth. That was always here. This is how we create it in mutual trust Being Heart, Joy and Enjoy.


Madhu’s teachings and guidance compliment growth in health and love for myself, the planet, animals and humanity. Exercising free will, creativity, authenticity, strength through virtues with healthy mind/body coherence.



The experience with medicine opened a different perspective, the “veil” runs and you venture into a totally unimaginable world. It generated a very broad and reflective awareness of the values he had of the world, especially. Madhu is an excellent spiritual guide, with a humility and service that I never saw in my life. A great person with a lot to give the world. Eternally grateful for helping me wake up ?? ✨?✨


The day I entered into Ceremony with Madhu he said "I am not a shaman, and I am not your guru. I am a vessel to lead you to the door for your self healing." I did not quite understand what that meant until entering into the medicine. Madhu provided that safe space for me to explore myself and remove the emotional baggage that no longer served me. My mind is still now and not filled with negative thoughts and constant chatter...

Michael Jon

It is with much appreciation and gratitude that I extend my deepest LOVE to Madhu and Charlie for “holding” a comfortable, sacred, loving space during my ceremonies. I am honored to have shared my “divine nakedness” and to bare witness to all my sisters and brothers journeys you respectfully and lovingly “served” with all compassion...

Kim Williams

Madhu Anand, you are a breath of fresh air and I took a long needed breath. Your Bufo Alvarius Sacred Ceremony changed my life!

Once I Returned home, and this being my first time trying plant medicine, I began integrating my experience and feeling some amazing things happening. The stress in my face and body was lifted, my eyes were clear and open. I felt Alive I saw more beauty in the world and my anger and bitterness was also lifted. But the big one is *No Nicotine* It has been 21 days. I've had no desire to smoke. Before the medicine, it seemed it would be impossible to stop smoking cigarettes. After the medicine, it has become effortless.



Thank you Madhu... I am forever greatful to you and universe for my experience!!! Thank you for being so gentle kind and attentive to me while, before and after my journey. Rebirth is the word! Got to release blockage that I did not realize i had since childhood... I am living life in total harmony and bliss! Anxiety and fear almost at nonexistent! Loving life to its core!

Ty Hensel

Words can not express the amount of gratitude that I have in my heart for Madhu , Charlie and all that shared the sacred space. This for me was a journey of self discovery, healing and boundless Love! I have worked with Madhu several times in the past and each time the experience leaves me in awe. I gain so much insight and clarity. I always leave overflowing with love and gratitude for myself and all of creation. Madhu, Charlie and all those that the medicine bring together are just simply magic...

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There are no words to describe how beautiful, sacred, and life-changing Madhu's Bufo ceremonies are. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was quite scared prior to my first sacred medicine experience. However, as soon as I met Madhu, all of that fear went away. The genuine love and compassion he radiates quickly dissolved any questions or doubts I had. I recently attended my second Bufo ceremony with Madhu and it was as beautiful as the first...


I celebrate life having placed myself at the right time for the monumental leap that my life took. Madhu, thank you very much for being who you are; for helping so many people to live in love, with respect and harmony. I am the same? I do not know for sure, but I can tell you that I perceive more cold, heat ... tiredness, laughing out loud, nature, sentient beings ... among thousands of other characteristics of mine. Something happened inside me...

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Mauricio Sousa

Here it goes! :D

First of all, I want to thank Madhu for sharing and serving this beautiful medicine, and everybody who assisted me going through all that unique and life changing experience.

I was fighting a very tough depression over the past years, taking a lot of antidepressants and anxiolytics and I simply got tired living that way. So, 3 months ago I started my spiritual healing with Ayahuasca and I met wonderful people that told me about an opportunity to receive the Sapito medicine, here in São Paulo.

Barrett Pall

To say someone has changed your life is a very very very big statement to make, and that is exactly what Madhu has done for me.

I have been tapped into spirituality, mindfulness, and alternative medicines since I was a child, but my experiences with Madhu have been beyond transformative, enlightening, and healing. I went into my first ceremony with Madhu not knowing anything of what was to come. I didn’t do a ton of research, or look into what could come of this magical human and what he brings with him. I simply trusted one of my life coaching clients and his own previous experiences with Madhu, and left the rest up to the universe.



My name is Ana, two years ago I received Madhu Anand and Santiago in my house in Buenos Aires. They came from Playa de Carmen and for those things in life, through a dear friend they came to me. I even housed them in my house without knowing them, knowing only that they came to give ancestral medicine. I am always interested in everything that served to transit a spiritual growth. Healing for me means getting to the root of everything that prevents us from growing in consciousness, to clear these obstacles and reach the state of happiness we deserve.


I have met Madhu and John one summer morning at Casa De Luze, I could see the light radiating from their faces, big smiles and beautiful souls I knew then that I can trust them fully, later that morning we proceeded with Bufo Alvarious ceremony for the first time, this medicine has opened something in me, something hidden deep inside and I felt Love all over my body and all around me, I immediately realized who I was. The feeling of oneness and being connected to everything and being everything! There is no words to describe the overall experience one can only feel it. I knew it then what needs to be done.



It is hard to describe how beautiful and terrifying my experience was, what I learned about myself, the clarity I experienced, the knowledge I obtained... It feels like I took a shortcut in life and gained so much wisdom in that one day.
A beautiful experience, even though what I learned was not easy to digest I left the ceremony in peace, high on forgiveness and love. Madhu, you were amazing with your guidance and empathy during my process and I am forever thankful to you and your team for making this healing accessible outside of Mexico, the world needs more people like you my brother.

Melina Parks

I just wanted to say Thank You! I did a ceremony with you in March at Neal's farm. At the time I hd been diagnosed with level 4 cancer and I was a heroin addict! Woth your help I'm now living a clean sober life! As if that wasnt enough I went to the Dr 3 weeks ago and he was happy to tell me I'm now cancer free. For this I'm eternally grateful!! You saved my life in more ways than one Madhu Anand!!


Marco, Olivier y Alejandro

There are no words to describe the wonderful experiences that my friends and I lived doing the SAPITO ceremony with Madhu. For all of us, they were, without a doubt, one of the most magical moments of our lives.

Never, not even in our most fantastic dreams, did we imagine the trip we were about to experience.  A moment that changed our lives. My friend Alejandro described it as pure mystical ecstasy, and Olivier and I could not agree more.

July Ocampo

I already knew the Ayahuasca (yage) and this year I traveled to Playa del Carmen to meet the SAPITO with the admins of this group and I certify that they are serious and honest people, they do what they do from the heart without expecting to profit, from my personal experience I can say that there is a BEFORE AND AFTER THE MEDICINE.

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Caro Begin

I had a wonderful experience with the sapito and Madhu was very supportive, positive and present throughout the initial group ceremony, the individual one-on-one sessions and a final group ceremony. The experience was incredible. At first I instantly tried to fight it (bad idea), then once I surrendered to it, I had a break-through. Very emotional. A weight somehow got lifted. The ceremony I had with Madhu was incredible. There are no words to describe the emotions I felt. I cried for a long time (don’t know exactly why), and with the help of Madhu, I forgave myself (also don’t know exactly for what, but it does not matter). The feeling of inner peace and happiness that I have had since the ceremony have stayed with me, and for that, thank you very much, Madhu. It was really amazing.

Marco Vinicio

Just a few seconds for the magic to make effect, invading your body and planting itself into your heart to bloom with the power of TODAY, generating the fruit of being at peace with everything.
Thanks Madhu Anand JAMC

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Daniel Barojas

As others went before me I saw each person's process which varied, some cried, some screamed, the kind of deep bellows that come from your deepest within. The burnt smell to me was like fresh tortillas being made, however the raw smell in it's extracted form smelled slightly floral & sweet like a candied pastry r sumthin. Harvested by the Seri tribe in Mexico in the Sonora desert area, best provinence available.

Madhu sat in front of me as I sat on the blanket, I read a prayer of permission and forgiveness. I slowly inhaled a "principiante avanzado" dose. As soon as I began inhaling I could feel a warmth creeping up my body from behind, by the time I had finished inhaling
I was already in flight.

Gloria and Gabriel

Hello! I just wanted to thank Madhu once more for giving me all this peace and energy! It was an inexplicable and divine experience, intense and regenerative, totally positive in an atmosphere that embraces you without judging you. I see everything with different eyes!
You must try it guys, it;s pure and only love! Thank you heartily!
In one word I describe this as magical.
Recommended for anyone who wants to search for themselves in this universe.Grateful for the good vibes and the new way of finding yourself with this beautiful medicine!
Peace and blessings. 

Gabriel & Giorgi

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Brooke's Testimony

I met Madhu Anand in September of 2017, he came to our USNT land here in Houston TX to give Sacred Bufo Ceremonies. Madhu has given me the Bufo 6 times, and I have witnessed him give the medicine to well over a 100 plus members of our USNT Family. This experience has personally changed my life in profound ways. My spiritual journey has opened up to a completely new level of understanding and higher perspective. Before taking the medicine with Madhu I had only an idea of Oneness, now I am completely unified in this infinite field of love.


My Bufo ceremonies with Madhu were the most transformative experiences of my life! My intention with Bufo was to know and FEEL the Highest Truth in the Universe. These experiences opened completely NEW paths in my body, mind and soul. I experienced a complete resonance with the ESSENCE OF GOD, which words can not describe. After experiencing the Truth of Love and Connection, I am a different person. My healing business took off, my intuition multiplied, my understanding and knowledge accelerated and the feelings of happiness are now a natural state. Madhu is an Angel, sent by God, who helps those who are ready to awaken to their true essence. Forever grateful

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It took me 11 months to begin this testimony, because I couldn’t find the words, or the way to begin to describe what I saw; but more than anything, it was the homework that I was given that I’ve been so busy doing. And I would like to begin by thanking the Creator for making this possible. I also want to thank Madhu; for he searched the path and I was in that path. Therefore, Madhu has already been in my path way before my experience with the toad medicine. This is probably the most difficult part for me, because when I think of Madhu, I think of a higher energy, like a secret that has been living in you for ever but that you just discovered! And that is what I want to talk about today; Madhu’s signature spell on me through the toad medicine.


Te amo. Perhaps a few words…My whole being fragmented and beautifully dissolved into nothing. I found myself in a Void before space and time existed. I first experienced Source as a pure harmonic, symmetrical sound energy, and I uttered simple Buddhist chants as my best homage. Past traumas begin to show themselves; I whispered, “Go away.” The negative emotions attached to past traumas left as easily as cutting a string. I glanced upwards to see other people, trees, clouds, and blue sky. My vision sharpened and everything in my visual field became slightly translucent and merged into One.



Madhu, you are truly an angel on Earth. You are the keeper of such powerful healing modalities and God himself is empowering you with such amazing gifts. My experience is exactly what I needed. You came into my life in perfect timing to completely awaken me to the TRUTH of who I really am. Although, I knew all along, doubt, fear, anger, rage, anxiety, clouded my heart separating me from my true nature. You and the BuFO wiped away all of that finally once and for all.


From my last book called "Riding the world in a toad" I present here the first chapter "I stood at the doors of the universe".
After sitting on the floor and feeling the grass across the hill, a mist took over my atmosphere. Sun spirals of three-dimensional mandalas began to emerge from the sun with a spectrum of colors that the human eye can not appreciate ... surrounding my body, my senses, my emotions and my thoughts.

A last breath that actually became the first of milores new breaths ...
A sense of surrender ... freedom ... detachment ... and connection with "the whole" that I only remember feeling the day I saw the first ray of light in this world.



I first met, and had my first ceremony with Mahdu 2 years ago, almost to the day! Since then he has given me the sacred medicine of Bufo about 6 times and we have become good friends. He has the most beautiful heart and you feel that in all of his work!
Madhu fue una luz para mí en un momento de oscuridad, jugando un papel importante en mi aprendizaje de mi propósito en esta vida, aprender y compartir la medicina de la Ayahuasca. A través del Bufo, he podido arrojar muchas capas de ego y me ha ayudado a aprender cómo sentirme.


I am Andrei Cruz. My life is nothing more than a beautiful gift or second chance that the universe gave me. When I was about 1 year old, I had a near-death experience from an illness. I was quickly resuscitated by my Mother (She gave me my life 2 times THANK YOU Mom). During my 43 years I have passed strong tests and I have known interesting life practices, I have looked for answers and above all I have taken many things to continue, always in search of happiness and total well-being. The church, Appointments with Angels, Santeria, Meditation, La Kabbalah, etc., etc. They are just some of the things that have given me learning and spiritual growth.

I have known Madhu Anand for more than 15 years. It has been a beautiful friendship, we were ruminating recently about a whole bunch of experiences - some good and others not so good. We had fallen out of touch, but 2 years ago we met again in Playa de Carmen during a Music Festival...

Captura de Pantalla 2019-10-11 a la(s) 16.42.45


I want to infinitely thank my brother Madhu Anand for helping me with his medicine Bufo Alvarius.

It was an experience that I had never experienced before in my life. There are no words to describe this beautiful experience. You connect with the cosmos and go to another dimension. I can't really tell what happened. I was just born again. I admit that I was afraid to do it, but that day, very kindly, my friend Madhu invited me and I finally decided to do it. I was operated on the spine 11 months ago in the city of Matamoros Tamaulipas, but the result was worse. A lot of pain in centurion, hip and left leg. Since then, I limped while walking and the pain was never controlled.