Kambo is an ancestral medicine of indigenous origin and refers to the exudations of an amphibian (phillomedusa bicolor) that lives in various regions of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon. This substance has been used as an ancestral medicine by the indigenous tribes of the area, who apply it to give strength and skills before a hunt, to combat diseases, ailments, poisonous bites and to cure fevers.
Kambo is also considered medicine that, in addition to operating in the physical material world, also operates in the world beyond, the soul. It is considered that the Kambo has a "spirit", who is in charge of carrying out the healing process, which is why this amphibian is treated with great respect, since it could offend the spirit and its healing benefits would not be achieved; After the poison collection process, the frog is released back into its natural habitat.
In the long term, the Kambo empowers the immune system, overcomes fatigue and improves the state of health. dermaseptina. It has been described that they have the capacity to inhibit the growth of a wide range of microorganisms (protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses), which is why it could be responsible for a potential antibiotic effect.
When the Kambo is supplied on a regular basis the results are more noticeable, the person usually gets sick less. Restoring the natural balance prevents the appearance of ailments induced by different viruses.
In the case of serious diseases, addictions or accumulated toxins from pharmaceutical drugs, it may be useful to receive the treatment three times over the course of 21 days. In this way, the cleaning effects of the Kambo treatments will increase one after the other and last longer.
- Consume 2L of water before the application of the medicine.
- If you want to consume other types of liquids, it can be tea without sugar.
- Comfortable clothing is recommended.
- It is ideal to do 3 sessions in 21 days.
- It is important to have in mind a definite purpose that you wish to heal.